Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hillary Loudly Booed at Obama Rally

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I guess P.U.M.A goes both ways… It seems Obama’s “fans” don’t feel they need Hillary’s support base come November, it’s going to be a long, hot, summer…

“Obama and Gore were introduced by Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who backed Hillary Rodham Clinton in the primary. She held up a navy blue pump and said, on behalf of women everywhere, that she was proud to say she’s supporting Obama.

She was loudly booed at the mention of Clinton’s name, and Obama chastised the crowd for that when he spoke. He said he’s a better candidate for having run against Clinton.

“She’s tough,” he said. “That’s why this race took so long. She’s a fighter. And we need fighters in the Democratic Party because we’ve got a lot to fight for.”

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